52 Makrygianni str, P.C. 17342, Ag. Dimitrios, Greece +30 218 218 3196

Code of Ethics - Computech Business Solutions

Our Company’s code of ethics is the mysterious word that has been the subject of countless reports, quarrels, or university dissertations:

“Ethics is an agreed code between individuals, on the basis of which they behave in a way that will bring the best solution to their problems.”

This code applies to everyone – to every executive, to every employee, without discrimination. No one is exempt from it and everyone is equally responsible for ensuring full compliance with it.

Sincerity. The first feature required of all of us in the business is honesty. There is nothing that can harm the team and its members more than dishonesty. Lies, false reports and misinterpretations of real facts can greatly damage any company. Everyone in our team is expected to be honest, straight forward and trustworthy. Only then can we have a good time and make things happen.

“A general rule of thumb is how we should treat people the way we would like them to treat us.” Therefore, it is expected that everyone in our team will apply this Golden Rule.

Office Policy. Our team has a “zero tolerance” policy on office policy. If you hear someone say negative or derogatory things about a colleague, you should remind the person of this code of conduct and ask him or her to speak directly with the team member.

Positive Attitude. There is no room for negativity in the team – negative comments, negative attitude, etc. There is a lot of negativity out there, let the competition deal with it. We will be positive – positive comments, positive suggestions, good news, etc. It may seem childish, but only our positive attitude ensures a bright future. When you see or hear someone say negative things, remind them of the code of conduct. And do something positive about it.

Inspiration. We all need inspiration. We reward her in our team. Each member of the team can be an inspiration to everyone else and should not be prevented from doing so. Do not hesitate to express your opinion, share your ideas and opinions on how things can be improved. Innovation is always cultivated by inspiration. We are happy to constantly come up with new ideas, even if they are challenging, as long as they are a positive challenge – not raw or harmful criticism.

Contact. Every executive should have an “open door” policy. Make it clear to your subordinates that you are available to listen to them, talk to them and help them. Provide a clear plan for your availability to them. And remember: an important part of a executive’s job is to listen, try and understand and act accordingly. Open door also means free communication.

Responsibility. Everyone on the team is responsible for the success of the team. This can sometimes mean that if you notice any illegal or harmful activity, you should be prepared to demand an improvement in this situation, and if you do not succeed, report it to the Administration. One should not be afraid to “hurt” a person for the sake of protecting the whole team.

Similarly, you are responsible for your own work and your area. “Make things go well” for all of us. When something goes wrong, see what you can do to fix it – don’t wait for someone else to handle it. Don’t blame others for the difficulties you face in your work. If this is your job, you should be able to handle it. Seek help only if you have tried it before.

Willingness to learn. One of the most important characteristics one should have is the willingness to learn more, improve and reach higher levels of ability. In our team, we want to do the best we can to improve people and allow each of its members to develop skills and abilities. If we want to stay competitive, we need to constantly improve – both individually and as a team.

Tolerance. No one is perfect but everyone can improve. We follow the policy of “zero tolerance” for the lack of tolerance. We believe that everyone has the right to work, to live a good life and to achieve great things, regardless of race, religion, origin, gender or personal beliefs. We are not workers with equal opportunities simply because of the law, but mainly because of respect and dignity for humanity.

We don’t just do it for the money. Yes, as a team, we have to make a profit. This is how things work. But we all need to recognize how we make money ONLY for one reason: because our customers think we deserve their money. At our company, we are proud to thank our customers to such an extent that they reward us by giving us their money, remain loyal to us and recommend us to their friends. Money is not our biggest motivation. It is the values ​​and goals of our company to help our customers have a better life, be happier and improve their financial, social and personal survival. If we fail at that, we don’t deserve their money, dot and dash.

The customer always comes first. Whatever your position, you play a vital role in ensuring customer satisfaction. The real boss is not the General Manager, he is the customer. The work of all of us depends on his intentions and decisions. The customer can fire any of us in seconds. It is therefore of utmost importance to maintain a proper level of awareness and willingness about this simple fact: we are as successful as we can and maintain loyal customers.

Anything that deviates from this idea is an act of betrayal against the group. The main reason someone might lose their job is because they did something that damaged our relationship with the customer or because they didn’t do something to avoid that damage.

Teamwork. Teamwork doesn’t just mean working well with your immediate colleagues. It also means coordinating and synchronizing with any other team member. There should be no quarrels between departments – they only show insufficient leadership and a lack of common sense.

All the departments and branches of the company work hard for ONE goal: to create, maintain and improve the base of our loyal customers. Therefore, rumors, criticism and deception between departments or branches are simply not allowed. On the contrary, the rule is that open communication is the only way to solve problems and conflicts.

Recognition. It is said that validation is the “food of the soul.” We all need it – recognition, acceptance, whatever we call it. No matter what the job, it is important for the survival of the team. If you do not feel sufficiently recognized or accepted for what you are doing, management should be aware of this and do something about it.

Do not hesitate to validate your colleagues whenever you think it is necessary. It’s a great way to feel good and have fun. And you made sure you didn’t underestimate the work of others – remember the Golden Rule.

Courtesy. A friendly attitude towards others will create a good attitude towards you. A friendly, polite attitude towards customers and suppliers will make them feel that you care about them. Encourage everyone on the team to be friendly and set a good example. Remind anyone who has a harsh, unfriendly attitude, this code of conduct. Report to the Administration any recurring aggressive or violent behavior, regardless of who it was. Kindness is something sacred.

When nothing goes well. If you have problems at work and can’t support everything to make things go well, if you feel less excited about what you’re doing in the team, there’s always an open door: mine. If you try everything and it doesn’t work, don’t hesitate to let me know. I’m always interested in helping.

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